Waves 2025

The Thirteenth  International Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave Phenomena:  Computation and Theory

April 14 -16, 2025, Athens, 

 The Classic Center

 300 N Thomas St., Athens, GA 30601 




   The conference will focus on computational and theoretical aspects of nonlinear wave

   phenomena. Interdisciplinary aspects of the subject will be emphasized, as well as the

   interaction between computation, theory and applications.


Thiab Taha (Program Chair and Conference Coordinator)(The University of Georgia, USA)

Co-Chairs: Gino Biondini (State University of New York at Buffalo Buffalo, USA)

                   Jerry Bona (The University of Illinois at Chicago , USA)

Keynote Speakers:

Talk Title: Ultracold Quantum Gases: A Prime Testbed for Studying Nonlinear Dynamics

Talk Title: Recent Developments in Dispersive Hydrodynamics 

Talk Title: (TBD)

Scientific Program Committee

Alejandro Aceves (Southern Methodist University)

Bedros Afeyan (Polymath Research, USA))

David Ambrose (Drexel University, USA)

Stephen Anco (Brock University, Canada)

Gino Biondini (State University of New York at Buffalo Buffalo, USA)

Jerry Bona (The University of Illinois at Chicago , USA)

Jared Bronski (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)

Robert Buckingham (University of Cincinnati , USA)

Annalisa Calini (College of Charleston, USA)

Ricardo Carretero(San Diego State University , USA)

John Carter (Seattle University , USA)

Stathis Charalampidis (San Diego State University, USA)

Geng Chen (University of Kansas, USA)

Min Chen (Purdue University , USA)

Ming Chen (University of Pittsburgh , USA)

Ryan Creedon (University of Washington , USA)

Bernard Deconinck (University of Washington , USA)

Sergey Dyachenko (SUNY Buffalo, USA)

Anton Dzhamay (Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BIMSA) 

Anna Ghazaryan (Miami University , USA)

Alex Himonas (University of Notre Dame, USA)

Robert Jenkins (University of Central Florida, USA)

Mathew Johnson (University of Kansas, USA)

Henrik Kalisch (University of Bergin, Norway)

Panos Kevrekidis (UMass, Amherst, USA)

Chaudry Khalique (North-West University, Mafikeng, South Africa)

Gregor Kovcic (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute , USA)

Stephane Lafortune (College of Charleston, USA)

James Lambers (University of Southern Mississippi, USA)

Yuri Latushkin (University of Missouri-Columbia, USA)

Changpin Li (Shanghai University, China)

Jianfeng Lu (Duke University , USA)

Andy Ludu (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, USA)

Yuri Lvov (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute , USA)

Vahagn Manukian (Miami University , USA)

 Solomon Manukure (Florida A&M University, USA)

Robert Marangell (The University of Sydney, Australia)

Peter Miller (University of Michigan, USA)

Dimitrios Mitsotakis (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)

Dmitry Pelinovsky(McMaster University, Canada)

Barbara Prinari (State University of New York at Buffalo Buffalo, USA)

Zhijun Qiao (University of Texas Rio Grande, USA)

Constance Schober (University of Central Florida, USA)

Denis Silantyev (University of Colorado, USA)

Avraham Soffer (Rutgers University, USA)

Alexander Stokes (Waseda University, Japan)

Selim Sukhtaiev ( Auburn University, USA)

Thiab Taha (UGA, USA)

Michael Todorov (Institute of Mathematics and Informatics - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria)

Alexander Tovbis (University of Central Florida , USA)

Minh Binh Tran (Texas A&M University, USA)

Muhammad Usman (University of Dayton, USA)

Samuel Walsh (University of Missouri, USA)

Qi Wang (University of South Carolina, USA)

Fangchi Yan (Virginia Tech. , USA)

Yubin Yan (  University of Chester, UK)

Jianke Yang (University of Vermont.  USA)

Chuntao Yin (Shijiazhuang Tiedao University, China)

Runzhang Xu (Harbin Engineering University, China)

Organized Sessions (Tentative):

S1: Title: Nonlinear Waves and Applications

       Organizers: Jerry Bona, Hongqiu Chen

S2: Title:  Evolution Equations and Integrable Systems

      Organizers: Alex Himonas, Curtis Holliman, and Fangchi Yan

S3: Title: Theory and Simulations of Nonlinear Waves in Plasmas: Their Evolution, Interactions, and Control.

      Organizers: Bedros Afeyan, Jeffrey Hittinger

S4: Title: Numerical and theoretical solutions of wave and kinetic equations.
       Organizer: Minh-Binh TRAN

S5: Title: Peakons, kinkons, and other weak solutions for nonlinear wave equations

      Organizers: Stephen Anco, Zhijun (George) Qiao, Vesselin Vatchev

S6: Title: Recent developments in nonlinear waves: From rogue waves and blow-ups to shocks, vortices and beyond

      Organizer: Stathis Charalampidis, Panayotis Kevrekidis, Ricardo Carretero 

S7: Title: Recent and alternate methods for the numerical solution of partial differential Equations.

      Organizer: Muhammad Usman, Chaudry  Masood Khalique 

S8: Title: Geometric methods in spectral theory of traveling waves.

       Organizers: Mitch Curran, Yuri Latushkin, Selim Sukhtaiev

S9: Title: Recent trends in acoustics and related wave phenomena: computational and analytical methodologies 

      Organizer: James Lambers

S10: Title: Recent Advances in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 

    Organizers: Andrei Ludu, Harihar Khanal, Stefan A. Carstea

S11: Title: Water Waves

      Organizers: John Carter, Bernard Deconinck

S12: Title:  Singular asymptotics for integrable nonlinear waves and related topics

     Organizers:  Deniz Bilman, Robert Buckingham, Peter Miller

S13: Title: Nonlinear partial differential equations and dynamical behavior of solution

     Organizer: Wei Lian, Runzhang Xu

S14: Title: Recent advances in algorithmic development for nonlinear PDEs

      Organizer: Qi Wang, Jia Zhao, Xuelong Gu

S15: Title: Recent advances in stability of nonlinear waves
      Organizers: Jared Bronski, Graham Cox, Robert Marangell

S16: Title: Recent Development on Free Surface Flows

      Organizers: Ming Chen, Samuel Walsh, Miles Wheeler

S17: Title: Fractional Calculus and its application  

       Organizer: Yang Liu

S18:  Title: Existence and Stability of Traveling Waves

        Organizers:  Anna Ghazaryan, Stephane Lafortune, and Vahagn Manukian

S19: Title: Stability for nonlinear waves with singularity.

       Organizers: Geng Chen, Yannan Shen

S20: Title: Investigation of Nonlinear Dispersive Wave Systems

      Organizers: Min Chen, Olivier Goubet and Bingyu Zhang

S21: Title: Advances in integrable systems and inverse scattering"

     Organizers: Gino Biondini, Barbara Prinari,

S22: Title: Nonlinear Waves in Lattices

     Organizer: Christopher Chong,  Timothy Faver,

S23: Title: Painlevé Equations, Integrable Systems, and Related Topics

      Organizers: Anton Dzhamay, Pieter Roffelsen, Alexander Stokes

S24: Title: Recent advances in photonic systems

        Organizers: Justin Cole, Ziad Musslimani

S25: Title: “Emergent dynamics in integrable systems: soliton gasses and  related topics

        Organizers: Alex Tovbis, Robert Jenkins

S26: Title: Waves in complex mathematical models of optics and superconductivity

         Organizers: Jean-Guy Caputo, Alejandro Aceves 

S27: Title: Recent theoretical and numerical advances in fluids and nonlinear optics

       Organizers: Sergey Dyachenko, Denis Silantyev, Alexandr Chernyavsky



The Scientific Program will consist of organized sessions consisting of regular papers (25 minutes) and keynote papers (50 minutes).

Those interested in organizing a Session should send an informal proposal (even before inviting speakers in order to prevent duplications) to the scientific committee, in care of Thiab Taha (trtaha@gmail.com) as soon as possible.

For Session Organizers: Please provide a short overall view of the proposed session, together with the title, speakers' names, and at least tentative titles of their papers by November 15, 2024. Proposals for sessions submitted after this date will be considered subject to the constraints of available time in the program.

Each session is in principle 2.5 hours long. It is organized, as six 25 minutes papers. Additional papers in a session may, if there is space, be accommodated as "follow-up" elsewhere in the program, or as a "PART II" of the Session.

Organized sessions will be approved by the Chairs of the conference. Papers accepted in these sessions will be reviewed by the Session organizer and/or external reviews.

Please note: For your Abstract to be included in the conference “BOOK OF ABSTRACTS”, you must copy and paste your one-page Abstract on EasyChair in the ABSTRACT section and as an attachment in latex format by using the sample abstract file:

A sample abstract is attached. Sample Abstract.tex file can be found at this link: (http://cobweb.cs.uga.edu/~thiab/Sample_Session.tex). The abstract must be submitted using the "EasyChair" software at this link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=waves2025 

 Please note that only one presentation per registered person is allowed.

Contributed Papers: Prospective authors are invited to submit an abstract no more than one page in length by December 26, 2024. Late submission may be considered if there is space available in the program. The abstract should include: title of the paper, name, affiliation, postal address, e-mail address, and telephone number.

Contributed papers will be reviewed by members of the Scientific Program Committee. You must copy and paste your one-page Abstract on EasyChair in the ABSTRACT section and as an attachment in. latex format by using the sample abstract file:

A sample abstract is attached. Sample Abstract.tex file can be found at this link (http://cobweb.cs.uga.edu/~thiab/Sample.tex).

The abstract must be submitted using "Easychair" software at this link:https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=waves2025 

Acceptance date: December 31, 2024

Please note that only one presentation per registered person is allowed.

Poster Papers: Prospective authors are invited to submit an abstract no more than one page in length by December 26, 2024. Late submission may be considered if there is space available in the program.

The abstract should include: title of the paper, name, affiliation, postal address, e-mail address, and telephone number.

Poster papers will be reviewed by members of the Scientific Program Committee. You must copy and paste your one-page Abstract on EasyChair in the ABSTRACT section and as an attachment in. latex format by using the sample abstract file:

A sample abstract is attached. Sample Abstract.tex file can be found at this link (http://cobweb.cs.uga.edu/~thiab/Sample.tex)

The abstract must be submitted using "Easychair" software at this link:


Acceptance date: December 31, 2024

REGISTRATION: All persons planning to participate in the conference should register at: the URL: https://classiccenter.swoogo.com/waves2025 

The basic registration fee is $485 if postmarked by 4:00 pm on January 03, 2025, and includes a Book of Abstracts, a refreshment breaks each conference day.

The registration fee for students is $425 if postmarked by 4:00 pm on January 03, 2025, deadline.

A $75.00 late charge is assessed for registration fees postmarked after the January 03, 2025, deadline.


Cancellation and No Shows: (1) A cancellation received by 5:00 pm ET on or before January 03, 2025 will be refunded, minus a $100 processing fee, and no refunds will be issued thereafter. (2) If the event is cancelled for any reason, The Classic Center and the Conference will not be responsible for any charges related to travel.


BANQUET: There will be a Banquet on Tuesday, April 15, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. (The cost is $100)


Updated information is posted on the webpage: http://waves2025.uga.edu



The first three Hotels are recommended, and you need to use the Group Code to get the discount:


1. Hyatt Place Athens / Downtown

    412 N. Thomas St, Athens, GA 30601



Hotel Booking Link: https://www.hyatt.com/shop/rooms/ahnza?location=Hyatt%20Place%20Athens%20%2F%20Downtown&checkinDate=2025-04-13&checkoutDate=2025-04-16&rooms=1&adults=1&kids=0&corp_id=G-WAV5

Group Code (if booking through Hyatt mobile app or calling direct): G-WAV5

Group Rate: $189 (+tax) per night

Cut-Off date to Make Reservations By: March 13, 2025


2. Hotel Indigo Athens Downtown – Univ Area

    500 College Avenue, Athens, GA 30601



Hotel Booking Link: https://www.hotelindigo.com/redirect?path=asearch&brandCode=IN&localeCode=en&regionCode=1&hotelCode=AHNIN&checkInDate=13&checkInMonthYear=032025&checkOutDate=17&checkOutMonthYear=032025&rateCode=6CBARC&_PMID=99801505&GPC=IMA&cn=no&viewfullsite=true

Group Code (if booking through IHG mobile app or calling direct): IMA

Group Rate: $144 (+tax) per night

Cut-Off date to Make Reservations By: March 13, 2025

3.Hotel Abacus

              295 E Dougherty St, Athens, GA 30601



Hotel Booking link:    



Group Rate: $159 (+tax) 

Cut-Off date to Make Reservations By: Sunday, March 23, 2025

Other Hotels are available: 


Rivet hotel: https://www.rivethouse.com/

UGA Hotel: https://www.hotel.uga.edu/

Hotel Abacus: https://www.hotelabacusathens.com/

Springhill Suites: https://www.marriott.com/en-us/hotels/ahnse-springhill-suites-athens-downtown-university-area/overview/

Holiday Inn Express Athens, an IHG Hotel: https://www.ihg.com/content/us/en/deals/member-offers/memberrate?cm_sp=WEB-_-6C-_-HOME-_-MOD1-_-US-EN-_-LOY-_-MEMBERRATE-_-FS


Please note: There are more hotels and there is a city bus that you may use.  There are University buses(free) if you stay at UGA hotel.


Travel: You may use any link for travel from Atlanta Aiprot to Athens, GA:

GROOME transportation: https://groometransportation.com/




Proposals for organized sessions: November 15, 2024

Submission of contributed and poster papers (one-page abstract): December 26, 2024

Submissions of Abstract: December 26, 2024

Notification of acceptance: December 31, 2024

Deadline for early registration: Jan. 03, 2025

Contacts: Thiab Taha

                  Program Chair and Conference Coordinator

                 Email: trtaha@gmail.com